Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well, I know that there are several more people reading this than there were before. I feel a little pressure with this post, to make it worth your while for taking time out of your busy busy lives to read about what I am doing. Lol, yea, there really is no pressure, I'm sure. It's just something I do to myself. You might say, "well then stop doing it". That is kind of like telling an alcoholic or drug addict to just quit. Yea, I went there. Really, it is. I mean, that's how I imagine it anyway. Addicts need there "fix" in order to function. Pressure, while it may stress me out and may not be good for me physically or mentally, or in any other way, pressure is like my fix. I'm sure that sounds concerning to some, so I guess I'll try to explain it some more. I think I've been through so many different things, things where I've been under pressure, that I don't know how to do things when there is no pressure, so I create it. I could get up, get the kids ready, and be out the door by 8 or 9 am when I have places to be or appointments, but instead I usually have trouble going to bed the night before something like that, so then I inevitably get up late. Then with breakfast for the kids, and getting dressed, and getting me dressed and taking care of the dogs and whatnot, it becomes lunch time before we are ready to roll. Now, if there is someplace I really have to be by a certain time, I still do all of the above, except now I yell more and get stressed out and make everyone move faster and get myself all worked up. We get there, but it was no fun for anyone. And yet even after that experience, I continue to wash and repeat. It's not just procrastination, it's the fact that if I don't feel that pressure, it's just not going to happen.

So, anyway, I keep losing my train of thought, so if I keep going with that, at some point it's going to start to sound randome and rambling, because not only am I working on this but I'm also baking chocolate chip cookies, boiling eggs for my salads for the next few days, and microwaving little pizzas for the kiddos for a late dinner. So, I keep leaving in the middle of a thought to go take care of one thing or the other and I am getting off track. I am good at multitasking, but usually something will still get lost in translation. With all of the things I have to remember, you would think that I would forget a lot more than I do, yet when the husband or kids come lookinf for something that surely I had to have touched, I can usually manage to find it, even if I didn't see where they left it. Now, there have been occassions where said item has not been found, but that usually means it was not left at the house like the searcher is absolutely sure they did. If it's not in the house, I claim no responsibility, yet somehow, it's still usually my fault.

There are some things, I really don't make any effort to remember, because kind of like that episode of Spongebob Squarepants where Squidward tells him to forget everything else and only remember things about fancy restraunts, if I'm sometimes scared that if I try to memorize one more thing, something else of importance will just drop off the map and I'll never even know until it's too late. When I get asked my name, I might not be able to tell you....

Well, I wanted to bake one more batch of cookies tonight, but I may have to stop at one cause it's getting late and the plan is to spend tomorrow at my parent's house, which is what we do on Sunday's, or at least we have sine the hubby has been gone, that's pretty much the most structured thing we have going on here right now.

I just have to say before I close this for the night that I have a myriad of friends with husbands who have just or will be coming home shortly. I am so happy for them. I just wanted to acknowledge them and say a big 



0 winks and nods.:

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