Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 3/30 Music Video Challenge and other stuff

My video for Day 3 is The Warrior Song - Marine Corps version. I may not be a Marine, but I've loved and supported my husband for the last 14+ years, and agree with me or not, but as a military spouse you are as close as it gets without being in it. The Corps affects all parts of your life, your relationship, your family. So, when I need a little moto, this is my go-to song.

While in the midst of daily routine today my iPhone just quit. Just went dark couldn't charge it, couldn't reboot it, it was just done. I panicked. Like no shit, full on panicked. My heart started racing, I felt weak and sick to my stomach, shaky.... What the hell, it's just a phone you say?? More like my life. My biggest connection to the world, including my husband who's 2000+ miles away right now. I came out of the panic pretty quickly, but I still felt sick and in a hurry to get out the door. So I purposely took my time. I don't know how to explain it any better, yes I have computers, but we don't have a home phone, I don't want to pay for it, I'm basically on my own so if anything happens my only tie to the outside world is my phone. I feel safe going places when I have my phone, without my phone I feel naked and nervous. Some people carry weapons, I have a phone, which can be considered a weapon of sorts. Okay, so maybe I've gone off the deep end a little, I'll give ya that. So, long story much shorter, within a few hours I had a brand new phone in my excited and no longer stressed out hands. Good thing I had an upgrade coming!

0 winks and nods.:

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