Sunday, November 2, 2008


So, just a few random things today. There is really a lot I want to blog about, but I have to get all of my thoughts in order first, they are all just kinda a jumble right now because that's how I think, lol. That and my husband has been talking to me and I can't concentrate on what he wants me to look at and make a lot of sense at the same time. I can talk, walk, and chew gum, etc. all at the same time, but when he is shoving his laptop in my face telling me to look, and the kids are carrying on in the background, it's hard for me to figure out what the hell I'm trying to say.

So, first, does anyone know if there are any cool layouts or where I can get custom layouts for this blog? I have my MySpace pretty customized right now and I like all the cool stuff everyone makes, I'm just not super good at that stuff, I've played around with it before, but not coding, and I just don't want to take the time to learn right now. So, if anyone can recommend a good place to get super cool layouts for blogspot, that would be cool.

Things are pretty good around here right now. The husband got home late in the afternoon yesterday, after the kids and I had already left for my friend Jennifer and Nicole's BBQ. The kids had a good time playing with their friends and I enjoyed catching up with my friends since I haven't really seen them in the almost two weeks since he's been home. It was pretty good to get out. I was still harboring some ill will last night, and Keeley was not sleeping well last night, she's still a little stuffy and not able to breath through her nose real good, so that doesn't help. And of course he is not used to being woken up by a baby after being in Iraq for the last seven months, and he wasn't home long enough when she was an infant for it to bother him much. So, he didn't want to let her crying up since it was affecting his sleep, so therefore, I got to be the one up and down with her all night. Par for the course. But I was still irritated.

We decided to go to WalMart today since I needed laundry detergent and dog food and the Commissary doesn't carry the brands that I buy in either one of those products (highly irritating since the did at one point but they stopped). So, the only place I can get those things is WalMart. So we headed over that way and did a little shopping. We looked again at the Nintendo Wii while we were there. They are actually starting to have some in stock now instead of always being out of them. I think we are going to get the Wii and the Wii Fit with a couple of games. I'm trying to figure out what the basic Wii comes with, if anything. I think we are going to get it sometime this month. I think we might wait until the day after Thanksgiving to see what, if anything they will be offering for Black Friday/ Christmas. After the shopping we had a little lunch at Taco Bell. I really wanted some Applebee's, but the kids weren't into it. After that we came home and the kids watched a movie while we got to head upstairs for a little mommy and daddy time. It's hard to get time like that, let alone getting any in the middle of the day. So, all in all it's been a pretty good day.

0 winks and nods.:

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