First, I just want to say a quick thank you to all of you Veteran's out there. Thank you for your service, then, now, always. I am very appreciative for the freedom I have today, thanks to you brave men and women who volunteered to serve this nation, not everyone will do what you do.
Now, I haven't been on for a few days. I was in Vegas and didn't take my laptop this time. I spend quite a bit of time in Las Vegas. My parents live there, I'm a resident, it's close enough to where I'm at right now. But, this weekend we were there for a very different reason.
My husband's douche bag command chose to have their Marine Corps Birthday Ball there. Not such a big deal, and might be fun, IF ONLY:
- It wasn't mandatory (anyone chosing not to buy a ticket would have been provided bus transportation for the 200 mile trip or some type of shit ass duty here on base)
-The command weren't such douche bags.
- The CO didn't keep the room comp'd for having the ball there. (He could have fucking raffled it off and a deserving Marine could have had an awesome night)
- The CO hadn't disrespected the GUEST speaker, who was also the OLDEST Marine attending the ball, who was also a double amputee, who was also the FRO's FATHER!!!
- The food didn't suck ass.
- He didn't treat the Marines who actually DID shit during the deployment, like the shit on the bottom of his shoe. (Go water boy! Go weatherman! Great job! What a hard fucking job you have!) (BTW, I'm not saying those jobs aren't needed, because they are.)
So basically the Ball sucked ass, just like I thought it would, I'm so glad we didn't pay the $55 for me to go. It was bad enough the husband had to be there for any length of time. And as for the hotel being great and being in Vegas being great, the hotel was all the traffic and congestion and stupid shit of the Las Vegas Strip WITHOUT actually being ANYWHERE near the other Strip hotels. You had to DRIVE to actually get to the main part of the strip, great for those who were drinking, right?????
Saturday, thank God, we actually had a really fun day at Aviation Nation, the Nellis AFB air show. It was a really good time, I love planes.
And now, today is Veteran's Day and where is my husband. At work. Yea. Because they got Friday off for the fucking Ball, they had to report to work at noon today. And we thought it was going to be just a check in thing to make sure everyone was still alive and what-not. OH NO. The douche bag CO decides EVERYONE has to do a piss test. What a great fucking way to honor our Veteran's don'cha think. Way to go Semen (name altered on purpose)! I can't wait til this fucker is relieved of this command. I don't care what awards he wears on his shoulders, he hasn't done a fucking thing. At least most definitely not during this command. Anything he's gotten credit for has been on the backs of Marines whom he's treated like shit. The worst thing is, is this guy doesn't even award, congratulate, thank, or give any type of accolades to guys who actually do their jobs and do them well and sacrifice, through blood, sweat, and tears. This guy only rewards those people who have their nose so far up his ass they can't even breathe. I'm suprised he can walk. Oh, and the only other people he loves are those in his original MOS, fucking engineers.
Crabs over castles baby, crabs over castles.
Now, I haven't been on for a few days. I was in Vegas and didn't take my laptop this time. I spend quite a bit of time in Las Vegas. My parents live there, I'm a resident, it's close enough to where I'm at right now. But, this weekend we were there for a very different reason.
My husband's douche bag command chose to have their Marine Corps Birthday Ball there. Not such a big deal, and might be fun, IF ONLY:
- It wasn't mandatory (anyone chosing not to buy a ticket would have been provided bus transportation for the 200 mile trip or some type of shit ass duty here on base)
-The command weren't such douche bags.
- The CO didn't keep the room comp'd for having the ball there. (He could have fucking raffled it off and a deserving Marine could have had an awesome night)
- The CO hadn't disrespected the GUEST speaker, who was also the OLDEST Marine attending the ball, who was also a double amputee, who was also the FRO's FATHER!!!
- The food didn't suck ass.
- He didn't treat the Marines who actually DID shit during the deployment, like the shit on the bottom of his shoe. (Go water boy! Go weatherman! Great job! What a hard fucking job you have!) (BTW, I'm not saying those jobs aren't needed, because they are.)
So basically the Ball sucked ass, just like I thought it would, I'm so glad we didn't pay the $55 for me to go. It was bad enough the husband had to be there for any length of time. And as for the hotel being great and being in Vegas being great, the hotel was all the traffic and congestion and stupid shit of the Las Vegas Strip WITHOUT actually being ANYWHERE near the other Strip hotels. You had to DRIVE to actually get to the main part of the strip, great for those who were drinking, right?????
Saturday, thank God, we actually had a really fun day at Aviation Nation, the Nellis AFB air show. It was a really good time, I love planes.
And now, today is Veteran's Day and where is my husband. At work. Yea. Because they got Friday off for the fucking Ball, they had to report to work at noon today. And we thought it was going to be just a check in thing to make sure everyone was still alive and what-not. OH NO. The douche bag CO decides EVERYONE has to do a piss test. What a great fucking way to honor our Veteran's don'cha think. Way to go Semen (name altered on purpose)! I can't wait til this fucker is relieved of this command. I don't care what awards he wears on his shoulders, he hasn't done a fucking thing. At least most definitely not during this command. Anything he's gotten credit for has been on the backs of Marines whom he's treated like shit. The worst thing is, is this guy doesn't even award, congratulate, thank, or give any type of accolades to guys who actually do their jobs and do them well and sacrifice, through blood, sweat, and tears. This guy only rewards those people who have their nose so far up his ass they can't even breathe. I'm suprised he can walk. Oh, and the only other people he loves are those in his original MOS, fucking engineers.
Crabs over castles baby, crabs over castles.
0 winks and nods.:
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