Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well, it's not really MY vacation. Husband is on his first post deployment leave right now. He won't be taking another one until sometime in the spring/summer. And he's been in Iraq for 7 months, so it's time for him to go out and have some fun. So, his dad and brother have come out to spend some time with him. They've been riding their Harley's all over the west coast. So. Cal, Arizona, and today we arrived in Vegas. Yes, I say we, but only a little bit we. The kids and I tagged along to the Coast on Monday and now today we have tagged along to Vegas. The guys are staying at a hotel while the kids and I are here at my parents. The guys are coming to BBQ here tomorrow night, but other than that, I don't expect to see them again. Hopefully everyone is having a really great time, since they've never gotten to do this before. I think they are thinking they might do it again next year. Not really sure if that will come to pass or not, but I don't think we'll tag along next time. It's really kind of pointless, and not as much fun as you might think it would be. I don't know if we'll actually be able to do anything on this vacation or not, there's not a whole lot of time left after this weekend. Things just are going way too fast. It's already almost Thanksgiving. I've been thinking about doing something on Monday and Tuesday, but at the same time I'm really thinking it's going to suck to try to squash a bunch of stuff in there. In fact, I don't think I can because I agreed to do this girl scout cooking class on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and I don't have shit ready for that. It's like everything is sneaking up on me. I don't know where time goes. Other than the fact that I do procrastinate a lot of it away, but I swear the rest isn't on me. It's someone elses fault. But, anyway, I'm going to end things on that note. I will be back. There's some shit that's really bugging me that I need to get out. If I can't wait a week to run it by Dr. Dan I'll be back to put it up here, lol.

0 winks and nods.:

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