Thursday, December 15, 2011

Great stuff...

Some days I really just want to pull my hair out. Of course, then I would be bald, and it's hard to imagine me bald. Scary really. Anyway, this is one of those days. For the most part things went really well, and then in a span of about an hour, it all just went to crap.

Anyway, I did have a good morning. As many parents with light colored carpet know, red Kool-aid, kids, and carpet don't mix well. I have this yucky beige colored carpet throughout my house, I just don't like beige that well, although it's better than white, it still sucks. But, it's what I've got, at least for a few years.  Well, after only a year in the house, I have a myriad of red spots decorating said beige carpet throughout the living room. And nothing I tried would take it out, I thought it was destined just to have red spots. Had a professional come and clean it, said they were permanent and nothing would take it out. I gave up. Then a week or so ago I had an idea. Google. I don't know why it took me so long to do that, I mean, I google everything else, I'm on the computer most of the day for school, it just never crossed my mind. There are bunches of sites that come up and they all seemed to say similar things:
1. Dawn
2. Water
3. White cloths
4. Iron

It works!! Oh my gosh, it works. The first few spots I didn't have the iron nearly hot enough and it didn't work as good as it did once I got a nice hot cotton setting. And I got the stain wet with the soapy solution instead of just having the white cloths wet. So, you get a bowl of warm water, put 10 drops of dawn in it. Wet your cloth and the spot you want to work on, spread the cloth over the spot, and put the iron on top. Leave it 3-4 minutes, and then check, the red transfer's to the cloth!!! Do this repeatedly until most if not all of the stain is gone. They say you can then use spot shot and things, but I didn't have that, I just scrubbed a little more. I still have several spots to work on as this process took a while to perfect, but I'm so stoked that at least they aren't bright red spots anymore! If you are going to try something similar, I highly recommend trying it in an inconspicuous area to make sure you don't burn a spot in your carpet or something silly. I am by no means a professional, but it worked for me.

We had a new dinner courtesy of Pinterest tonight. Pepperoni roll-ups. They were inhaled before I could snap a picture, so you'll have to just imagine it.
1 can of refrigerator crescent rolls
Pepperoni (about 4 per roll)
2 string cheese sticks cut into 4 pieces each.
marinara, spaghetti, or pizza sauce for dipping

Place pepperoni's and cheese in each crescent roll before rolling up. Bake according to package directions. Warm sauce in separate bowl. Voila. Watch them disappear in minutes!

School is done for the semester, yay!! I can concentrate on Christmas stuff now. This semester was very trying and I know the hard stuff is still yet to come. I remember why I quit when I was young though. Of course it doesn't get easier, either. I'm not looking forward to next semester, but I'm going to try really hard not to think about it for a week or so.

'Til next time.

0 winks and nods.:

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